020 3700 8367
Tooley Street Research Ltd,
1 St. Saviour's Wharf,
23 Mill Street,
SE1 2BE.
We conduct original, independent high-level research projects in areas of strategic public interest.
These are typically conceived in-house and delivered in partnership with a third party in a way that is designed to change the way in which opinion-formers, including the media, think about a subject of public policy importance.
The final output is a report that is free to download containing hard-hitting policy recommendations to all political parties. We have experience in maximising the impact of our work.
Current research projects include wealth and assets, tax reform, self-employment and in-work progression.
We can also provide speakers for conferences, seminars and internal brainstorming sessions around policy areas of topical interest.
Our management team has decades of experience in public policy design and evaluation, inside and outside national and local government.
Tooley Street Research Ltd,
1 St. Saviour's Wharf,
23 Mill Street,
SE1 2BE.
Tel: 020 3700 8367
Tooley Street Research Ltd is a private company registered in England and Wales. Company Number 8798299.
VAT Registration 178405194.